
Why am I alive? I asked myself again and again during my sleepless nights immersed in a deep existential crisis; my life seemed totally dark. Anguish oppressed my chest at the thought of a meaningless life. By connecting spiritually with God, I discovered that he sent us to earth to learn and grow through pleasant and also painful experiences, to choose between good and evil, to decide if we will serve others or if we will focus on ourselves. Since I discovered it, I learned to live in a life full of flowers with bright and beautiful colors that remind me of the beautiful purpose that God has for our lives.

PURPLEFLOWERS05 was born with a single goal… the goal of giving color and happiness to your loved ones. Giving and receiving love adds meaning to life. Your actions have the power to greatly bless your family, friends and those around you. PURPLEFLOWERS05 is about that, reminding you of the power that God has to transform everything in a second, to green your life and fill it with fruits and flowers. To give you balance, make you strong and take you to grow towards the sky. PURPLEFLOWERS05 is the promise that in God you and I can bloom because while our life is like wild flowers, He is the source of sustenance that allows us to be.

We love entrepreneurship and faithfully believe that there is nothing more beautiful than creating impact by being you, from your essence and creativity. So we will continue to work for you, staying faithful to the job well done. At PURPLEFLOWERS05, we work with a lot of love and dedication to provide you with a pleasant shopping experience. We really appreciate being part of your special details! Thank you very much for contributing to this dream!